কর্ডেটস এর গলবিল অঞ্চলের উভয় পাশের দেহ-প্রাচীরে অবস্থিত যেসব ছিদ্র (বা রন্ধ্র) গলবিলের অভ্যন্তরীণ ও বাহিরের পরিবেশের সাথে সংযোগ রক্ষা করে সেসব ছিদ্রকে Gill slits (ফুলকাছিদ্র বা ফুলকারন্ধ্র) বলে। হাঙ্গরজাতীয় মাছে এদের সংখ্যা ৫-৭ জোড়া। অন্যদিকে সাইক্লোস্টোমাটায় ১-১৫ জোড়া পর্যন্ত
Ghost fishing
Ghost fishing means the continued capturing of aquatic organism (such as fish, turtle, dolphin etc.) by a discard fishing gear (mainly net, traps, pots, hooks, long lines etc.). The discard (lost, dumped or derelict) fishing gears that continued capturing fish
Ghost gears
Ghost gears (ghost nets, ghost traps etc.) are fishing gears that have been lost or left or dumped in any water bodies (mainly sea, ocean etc.) by mostly fishermen and continued to capture aquatic organism. In the simple words, the
Ghost nets
Ghost nets are fishing nets that have been lost or left or dumped in any water bodies (mainly sea, ocean etc.) by mostly fishermen and continued to capture aquatic organism. In the simple words, the discard (lost, dumped or derelict)
Gill is a respiratory organ by which the aquatic animal can obtain dissolved Oxygen (O2) from surrounding water and release Carbon dioxide (CO2) in aquatic environment. Gills are the most efficient mechanisms for aquatic respiration. Four pairs of internal fills