Caudal fin (পুচ্ছ পাখনা) হচ্ছে মাছের পশ্চাদদেশে অবস্থিত অন্যতম বিজোড় (বেজড়) বা মধ্যগ পাখনা যা চলার সময় সামনের দিকে যাওয়া ও দিক পরিবর্তনে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করে থাকে। Caudal fin “Tail fin” নামেও পরিচিত। কিছু ব্যতিক্রম (যেমন শংকর মাছ, যার
Carrying capacity
Carrying capacity is defined as – The maximum, equilibrium number of organisms of a particular species that can be supported indefinitely in a given environment. The maximum population of a particular organism that a given environment can support without detrimental
Chordata is the animal phylum that consists of chordates unique characterized by a notochord, pharyngeal gill slits and hollow dorsal nerve cord during some life stages of development or lifespan. Also chordates are showing some important characteristics, such as- bilaterally
Chordates (singular: chordate) are the animals having unique characteristics during some life stages of development or lifespan, such as- a notochord, pharyngeal gill slits and hollow dorsal nerve cord. All are belonging to the phylum chordata. Also they are showing
Corium (plural coria) [also called dermis] is the inner edge of the skin of vertebrates located just below of epidermis. It consists of mainly fibrous connective tissues which are thick, flexible and elastic and originated from embryonic mesoderm. It is
Cold blooded animal
An organism having irregular (not constant) body temperature that means their body temperature changes with the temperature of its surrounding environment. Such as all invertebrates and vertebrates except birds and mammals. Cold blooded animal is not able to regulate its
Coelomata is the group that includes coelomates. Animals having fluid filled body cavity between the most inner membrane (parietal peritoneum) of body wall and the most outer membrane (visceral peritoneum) of alimentary canal and other internal organs (liver, heart, lung
Animals having fluid filled body cavity between the most inner membrane (parietal peritoneum) of body wall and the most outer membrane (visceral peritoneum) of alimentary canal and other internal organs (liver, heart, lung etc.). In brief, animals that have ceolom
Coelom is a fluid filled body cavity between the most inner membrane (parietal peritoneum) of body wall and the most outer membrane (visceral peritoneum) of alimentary canal and other internal organs (liver, heart, lung etc.) of an animal. It is
Cycloid Scale
Thin, rounded, smooth-edged and disk like scale is called Cycloid Scale. Found in most of all carps and similar fishes with soft fin rays. Arranged in an overlapping pattern. Consist of a rigid surface layer primarily composed of calcium-based salts